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School Resource Officers
The National Association of School Resource Officers was founded with a solid commitment to the youth of the United States. Since 1990, our commitment remains solid to promote the TRIAD concept (Law Enforcement Officer - Teacher - Counselor) of school based law enforcement. Many communities have adopted this philosophy as they blend their SRO program, with the many other community policing programs.
By training law enforcement to educate, counsel and protect our school communities, the men and women of NASRO continue to lead by example and promote a positive image of law enforcement to our Nation's youth. NASRO has made itself available to communities and school districts around the nation in the development of effective school based law enforcement partnerships.

School Resource - In Your Community
These Officers are responsible for all calls for service at their respective schools. They also coordinate courses of Law related instruction provided to the students. Course topics include Bicycle Safety, Accident Investigation, Common Traffic Laws, Driving under the Influence penalties and consequences. They are involved in all areas of the student life, including disciplinary issues, counseling, extracurricular activities, safety and mentoring.

"Policing is a Partnership"

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